Just for the record..
All of the previous photos were done only as a proof-of-concept sort of test, and are NOT meant to represent even an attempt at a decent study. I plated some cells tonight which are targeted more at this. I plated from 6 flasks. The first 3, a 1% ITS flask, 1% FBS flask, and 99% OptiMem flask have no ascorbic acid in their media. The second three have been growing with 50ug/mL of ascorbic acid in the flask since I started the flasks 3-3-05. I think having ascorbic acid in the flask should make it so that the cells are fully acclimated to it when they get dumped into the wells. I plated in two 6-well plates; 2 wells per media type so that I have duplicates of everything, and so that there is a control group and an experimental group. I also plated at roughly the same initial cell density (it ranges from 22.75 x 10^4 cells/mL to 38 x 10^4 cells/mL). I personally think that cell density plays a HUGE role in what sort of ECM is produced, and I know from experience that initial plating density is the major factor in eventual confluence, but, as Levar Burton always said.. you don't have to take my word for it. Anyway, with any luck there will be some photos some time late next week.
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